There’s nothing I love more than time spent in the arms of my friends.
And I do mean nothing.

When will our paths next cross? On my home turf, or possibly theirs? Perhaps a third location, where we all convene to create memories that will last a lifetime. (Or at least, until we all get together again!)


Bright, witty, and sharp– yet simultaneously soft, feminine, and oh-so-kissable– Ivy Rose is easily your dream woman. (She’s certainly mine!) Looking forward to upcoming travel? Ivy’s been there and knows what bartender makes the best cocktails. You’ll always find her wrapped in something decadent, whether it’s her collection of exquisite lingerie or a simply draped white sheet.

You’ll find this free spirit flitting all over the country (and indeed, the world!) Whenever Octavia makes her way to the East Coast, my heart soars with the possibility of a reunion. I could spend hours tracing the art on her skin and never get bored, and if you’ve yet to see two redheads together… my dear, you are missing out.

Though we are too often found on opposite sides of the country, gents tend to find our combined presence intoxicating. Perhaps it’s the way Natalie Byrne’s eyes flash across the dinner table, promising a dessert course that’s impossible to beat. Perhaps it’s how we easily intertwine in the way that only comes with lasting intimacy. Perhaps it’s the way you find yourself in the center of our fantasy. Perhaps it’s the sweet taste of a moment culminating after months of yearning for it– for us. We’ll be there, waiting.

With an extensive knowledge of the world of BDSM, Audrey West is the go-to companion if you’re looking for a date with a bit more spice. Come along with us and explore the dynamic we’ve built over the years, whether you’re looking for two congenial ladies by your side or to be surrounded by vixens intent on your delightful torture.

One of my dearest personal friends, I am immensely lucky to have Jenny Ivans as both a friend and lover! She has the stunning curve of feminine muscles just below her tanned skin, and her gentle Southern lilt will make her sweet nothings all the sweeter. Our laughter together is incomparable, and we’ve been called addictive by more than gent lucky enough to be nuzzled between us.

If what you like about me is the cozy, warm, cuddly atmosphere, then let me tell you: you’ll adore Natalie Hepburn! Though she has both a sparkling Ivy education and flawless model looks, what you’ll fall for is the way she always leaves your heart feeling full. She is equally divine dressed to the nines as she is curled up in pajamas, ready to sip cocoa and watch your favorite film. For those of you more visually-minded, Natalie describes herself as ethnically ambiguous with caramel skin and is just a teeny bit shorter than me, though her tightly-toned muscles put me to shame any day! Don’t worry friends, she’s as beautiful as she is intelligent, I happily put my word on it.

Have I mentioned yet how divine I find redheads with striking black inkwork? Lilith Vale was my first, and she was also one of the first to encourage me to be unabashedly true to myself. The praises she deserves cannot be stated here; just know that I would happily recommend her a hundred times over, and any time we are brought into each other’s company, I know that everyone involved is in for a memorable night!

What’s that saying about being little but fierce? (I’m allowed to make this joke because Kat and I are both writers, hush.) The inimitable Katarina Quinn currently calls New York City home, though she’s flitted around the world accumulating thoughts on everything from local bars to foreign cuisine. And if that wasn’t enough, she’s a redhead… and you know how I feel about redheads.
